Sinagua Malt Directors Chip Norton and Steve Ayers
“People who cherish the Verde Valley want growth and change to be done right. I spend a lot of time wondering how we can grow and progress without killing the goose that laid the golden egg. We don’t want to lose the Verde River or the character of the place where we live – the very things that make people want to come here. This is an opportunity to add value to our agricultural community, grow industry and protect the river.”
— Steve Ayers, Economic Development Director, Camp Verde, Arizona
“As a lifelong resident of Arizona and businessman, I am looking to develop solutions to preserving our rivers without hurting agriculture or our local communities. Development of a malt house in Camp Verde is an opportunity to shift agriculturae production to a low water use crop that has good economic return for farmers.”
— Chip Norton, President, Sinagua Malt
Sinagua Malt
284 N Homestead Parkway
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
For general information: info@sinaguamalt.com
For sales: sales@sinaguamalt.com